Sunday, December 13, 2009

Merry Christmas!--Our Christmas Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

Merry Christmas from the Wilsons! We hope this letter/blog entry finds you happy and well. Our biggest news this year is the addition of another son to our family. Carter was born in February, six weeks early. He stayed the Wilson family requisite two weeks in the NICU and we brought him home at about half the size of Jack! Carter is a sweet boy who laughs, smiles and loves to watch his brother dance & sing. He will no doubt be a tough guy after all the abuse he withstands from his big brother! We are grateful for all the support, calls and prayers we received when Carter was born. He is doing great!

Jack is a wild, funny, and nice three year old. He started preschool this year, which he loves. He spends his time playing in the yard, helping his dad fix things, running, running and more running. We are not sure where all the energy comes from on so little sleep!

Ken is still working for the fire department in the Silver Lake area of LA and enjoys his station very much. He is the Young Mens President at church, so he spends quite a bit of time camping, eating, serving and working on those Eagle Scout Awards with the teenage boys. He was also very happy to see the fruits and vegetables of his labors this year with a successful garden and two fruits trees. We ate fresh lemons, limes, peas, corn, squash, peppers and 1 small pumpkin.

I am still running after boys, trying to keep up with one more and working a day or two per week at the local hospital. I too am serving with the youth at church as the Young Womens secretary where I am getting a fast education about personal progress, texting and the importance of Facebook. I am hoping the new year brings a little more sleep and more time to update this blog I started in 2008!

Our family highlights include: our Disneyland staycation, a trip to Tennessee, Carter, preschool, trips to San Diego and a patio cover. It’s the small things right? We know that so many of our friends and family have had a busy year that included new jobs, new homes, new babies and new experiences. We are so grateful we could be a small part in these exciting times. We count ourselves blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. May 2010 bring you and your family happiness, health and peace.

Love--The Wilson Family

Some of the Highlights....

Carter was so so much anymore...

Jack's First Day of School

Disneyland Staycation

Tennessee in October

Our boys--

after this picture Jack tried to roll down the hill in his church clothes...our life in a nutshell

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Jack!

Jack is officially 3! It is hard to believe that it has been three years, but other days it certainly feels like it. He is a great boy with a ton of energy, no need for sleep and a happy personality. He loves trucks, playing outside, Disneyland and be crazy with his friends and cousins. We celebrated with family, treats at school & of course a cake. Kenny & I tried our hand at cake decorating and Jack seemed to be quite happy. We are not quite ready for our own TV show, but we were proud of our efforts. Here's to another exciting year of Jack!